On the hills of Manchuria

On the hills of Manchuria, in Russian Na sopkach Mantchzhurii, is a popular Russian walz, composed of mostly minor notes and sub-4th octave arrangements.

Ilya Aleksevitch Shatrov, at the rank of a major, was a Russian composer and bandmaster of the Mokshansky regimental orchestra. He had served in the Russo-Japanese war and in 1906 he composed "On the Hills of Manchuria". The melody refers to the Battle of Mukden that was fought during the war between Russia and Japan. The Russian regiment suffered to a long encirclement by Japanese troops. Military musicians decided to raise the soul of their soldiers and led the attack performing their music. Most of them were killed, but the unit escaped from the encirclement. The Kapellmeister Shatrov stood untouched. In that conflict the Russian army was defeated and thousands of soldiers were killed. Shatrov had written his waltz in 1906, and already in 1907 the score was being sold in stores. The lyrics were written by Stepan Petrov, a poet who was better known under the name of Skitalets.
The Russo-Japanese War was fought from 8 February 1904 till 5 September 1905. Reason for the conflict was the common interest of Russia and Japan in the region of Korea and Manchuria, where Port Arthur was an important harbor.

The original lyrics of the song "On the Hills of Manchuria" are about the fallen soldiers lying in their graves in Manchuria. Later on alternative lyrics were written, especially during World War II.

"On the Hills" impacted the common people impressions about the war in the epoch when there were no radio and no total people`s literacy, and has become one of the most popular Russian melodies. The poems of the waltz have been transformed into urban folklore, with different versions coexisting with the original .

Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Hills_of_Manchuria
Russian lyrics

Тихо вокруг, сопки покрыты мглой,
Вот из-за туч блеснула луна,
Могилы хранят покой.
Белеют кресты - это герои спят.
Прошлого тени кружат давно,
О жертвах боёв твердят.

Плачет, плачет мать родная,
Плачет молодая жена,
Плачут все, как один человек,
Злой рок и судьбу кляня!

Тихо вокруг, ветер туман унёс,
На сопках маньчжурских воины спят
И русских не слышат слёз.
Пусть гаолян вам навевает сны,
Спите герои русской земли,
Отчизны родной сыны.

Плачет, плачет мать родная,
Плачет молодая жена,
Плачут все, как один человек,
Злой рок и судьбу кляня!

Вы пали за Русь, погибли вы за Отчизну,
Поверьте, мы за вас отомстим
И справим кровавую тризну!

English translation

Around us, it is calm; Hills are covered by mist,
Suddenly, the moon shines through the clouds,
Graves hold their calm.
The white glow of the crosses — heroes are asleep.
The shadows of the past circle around,
Recalling the victims of battles.

Dear mother is shedding tears,
The young wife is weeping,
All like one are crying,
Cursing fate, cursing destiny!

Around us, it’s calm; The wind blew the fog away,
Warriors are asleep on the hills of Manchuria
And they cannot hear the Russian tears.
Let sorghum’s rustling lull you to sleep,
Sleep in peace, heroes of the Russian land,
Dear sons of the Fatherland.

Dear mother is shedding tears,
The young wife is weeping,
All like one are crying,
Cursing fate, cursing destiny!

You fell for Russia, perished for Fatherland,
Believe us, we shall avenge you
And celebrate a bloody wake!

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