Ferrari Trecate Luigi (1884 - 1964)

Luigi Ferrari Trecate was born in Alexandria, Italy, on August 25th 1884 to Joseph and Virginia Ravera. 

At the age of twelve Luigi was allowed at the Conservatory of Parma. Thereafter he followed lessons at the musical academy of Pesaro, where he followed organ with A. Cicognani and composition with P. Mascagni. He became the favourite student of Cicognani and after his graduation in 1904 he soon was seen as one of the greatest Italian organists, a performer and virtuoso of the highest level. 

In 1906, only 22 years of age, he won the contest for organist of the Santa Casa of Loreto. He would stay there till 1919. In the same year he became director of the musical academy of Carrara and organist of the basilica of Pompei Valley.

In 1914 Luigi became director of the musical academy in Rimini, but already in 1913 the director of the Conservatory of Parma nominated him as a teacher of organ and composition at the same Conservatory. Later he was forced to leave the academy of Rimini.
From 1930 to 1932 Luigi Ferrari Trecate was teaching organ and composition ath the conservatory of Bologna. At that time he was also offered the position of director of the Conservatory of Parma, but he did not accept. 
Luigi was vice chairman of the National Academy of St Cecilia, President of the Philharmonic Academy of Bologna (1955) and the musical part of the Supreme Council of Arts.

As a composer Luigi has written a big variety of music, with a special attention for the musical theatre for children: Pierozzo (1922), Ciottolino (1922), Bear King (1950), and many others

Luigi Ferrari Trecate died in Rome, 17th of April 1964.
                                     Works for accordeon

Pantomima umoritstica (1952)
Giochi di Prestigio (tempo di scherzo) (1953)
Onde di Veli (1953)

Velocissimo (1953)
Cocktail, pezzo di concerto (1954)
Concertino delle scale (1954)
Giocattoli, 6 pezzi facili (1955)
Suntille (tempo di scherzo) (1960)
Corale Variato (1963)

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